Site QC required for a major Offshore Wind Farm client based in Europe.
- General review of status and quality including problems encountered at the suppliers premises.
- Details of any non-compliance.
- Approval status of procedures/drawings/design documentation.
- Verification of Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) and manufacturing personnel qualifications.
- Verification that Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) hold and witness points have been notified.
- Verification that documentation is in accordance with Supplier Document Requirements Listing (SDRL).
- Actual readings/results meet specified requirements.
- List of instruments used to inspect and test and their calibration status.
- Any points raised by the Independent Verification Body (IVB) or engineer in attendance.
- Brief status of manufacture and assessments of delivery and any problems identified.
- Photographic and video evidence of progress and problems.
- Status report of documentation/certification.
- Demonstrated experience of inspection, marshalling & load out of WIND Monopiles & TPs to and from vessels.
- CSWIP 3.1 Registered Welding Inspector.
- PCN II Ultrasonic Testing 3.1-3.2 EN473/ISO9712.
- PCN II Magnetic Particle Inspection EN473/ISO9712.
- PCN II Penetrant Inspection EN473/ISO9712.
- GWO Basic Training Offshore.
- Medical Certificate incl.
- Chester Step Test.